How to wear the Color Blocking trend

Color Blocking Color Blocking  

Tuesday October 2nd, 2012

Many times I think to myself: How can I wear the color blocking trend without looking like a crazy rainbow? Well, I'm going to let you all in on a fail-proof tip that has worked for me so far.... pick colors in the same color family!

Color Blocking Color Blocking Color Blocking  
**Note: These photos don't show it, but my dress is aqua and my jacket is bright green (they aren't the same color)... just sayin ;)

That's right, just pick two or three colors that are close to each other on the color wheel and your set to go! A couple of my favorite color combos are yellow+green+blue (See here and here), blue+purple (See here, here, and here), and pink+red (See here, here, and here). Its easy and it always works!

Color Blocking  
{Dress: (Similar here!)  ;  Jacket: Estampa (Panama) (SO old!)  ;  Heels: Via Vai (Panama)  ;  Necklace:  ;  Bag: Pacsun (U.S.A.)}

BTW, today was a special day because my brother Tom brought his adooooorable Persian cat Jasmine to the office to visit. She is so cute!!

Color Blocking Color Blocking  

Here are all the ways in which I've worn this green jacket:

  Green Jacket Remix

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  1. Hey Marie,

    That may have been the most cutest use of colour blocking I've seen!
    I absolutely adore your blog! Faithful follower here!

    Loving your blog,

  2. These colors look great together! I always love a bright, colorful outfit. The colors look so pretty on you. And I love all of your jewelry too.


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