Outfit of the week - Reader's Choice

July 11 (6)July 12 (7)
July 13 (11)July 15 (7)
July 16 (12)

Which is the best outfit of the week?
1. The tailor does magic!
2. Everybody, Everywear: Yellow!
3. Fashion Week Panama Day 1
4. A tea party birthday for my Grandmother
5. Fashion Week Panama Day 2
pollcode.com free polls

Last week's winner was...
July 08 (1)
"Now I can answer back with Disqus"

I received several emails this last week with suggestions for my blog. I really appreciate the feedback guys and I'm working on everything you suggested. Thanks for caring!

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  1. My favourite is the first but i loved the other outfits too.


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it!