Punta Culebra, a little taste of Panama

Panama: Alejo & Me

This weekend, my boyfriend and I went to Punta Culebra (a nearby park that has beautiful scenery and local animals) to practice our photography skills. Many of you have asked me about Panama, so I thought it would be fun to share with all of you a couple of my favorite pictures.
Panama: Punta Culebra Smithsonian

I managed to take this picture of an Iguana just when it was going to eat a flower! I was so happy to get this cool picture, definitely my favorite of the day.
Panama: Iguana

We also saw other animals like these huge turtles and starfish.
Panama: Turtle Panama: Starfish

It has been sooooo long since I go to this area (I used to go all.the.time. when I was a kid), so I really enjoyed visiting it once again ;)
Panama: Yachts

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