Outfit of the week - Reader's Choice

Feb 14 (32)Feb 14 (33)
Feb 15 (11)Feb 16 (9)
Feb 18 (12)Feb 19 (14)
Feb 20 (12)

Which is the best outfit of the week?
1. Hearts on Valentine's Day... Duh!
2. A Sparkly Valentine
3. Cute Yoshi Cake :)
4. In a Black Mood
5. You look kinda from the 50's
6. Black and white
7. If it isn't broken...
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Last week's winner was...

a tie!! The two winners are:
Feb 07 (1)
"Fabulous in February"


Feb 09 (1)
"Purse with a tail"

Thanks for the votes everyone :)

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